Is Toastmasters Club Worth It?
When I am promoting Toastmasters Club, I usually provide all the reasons why you should join.
This time I would like to share with you 3 reasons why you shouldn’t join the Toastmasters Club.
Reason #1: You believe that you can do it on your own.
You believe you’re already a good speaker. You don’t need training anymore. You can read books and watch videos about how to improve your speaking skills. Sure, you will improve if you apply what you’ve learned but it will take time.
Apart from your ego telling you that you can do it on my own, you don’t want to hear feedback. You’re not open to constructive criticisms.
Once I received an evaluation that I have “stoic face” when I delivered my speech. I was skeptical about it. Then, in the next speech, I got the same evaluation. I have a “plain, emotionless, stoic face.” But still, I'm not convinced. Not until I watch myself on a video recording.
It was painful to watch! The evaluation was accurate. My speech was boring. My face is stiff as frozen meat.
This is what I love about Toastmasters Club. Fellow members will commend the good points of your speech. They will also recommend areas for improvement for your next speech. They will give you evaluations that you'll fail to see on your own or sometimes, deny to see.
Reason #2: You cannot commit at least 3 hours a week to develop your skills.
Apart from the tons of assignments and deadlines, you have to meet, joining the Toastmasters Club can be an extra workload for you. It’s a reality you need to consider.
Most members of the club are working in a company or have their own business. Though meeting agendas are distributed ahead of time, we can't control the demand for our work. Some fail to attend. Or if they attend, they fail to prepare their speeches. It became a constant challenge.
But here’s I want you to realize. It is in those uncomfortable moments a person transforms from ordinary to extraordinary. It is what separates successful people from the wannabes. Adding extra effort. Of course, it is easier said than done.
Darren Hardy, the author of The Compound Effect, explained this further, “What excites me about this reality, however, is that if the change were easy and everyone is doing it, it would be much more difficult for you and me to stand out and become an extraordinary success. Ordinary is easy. Extra-ordinary is will separate you from the crowd.”
Let that sink in for a while.
Reason #3: You think developing your communication and leadership skills is a waste of time.
If you have other priorities, other than what I mentioned earlier, then for your own sake don’t join the club.
You're doing a disservice on yourself. if you waste your time on things that are not aligned with your goals.
But if I may ask you, what areas of your life that you don’t need to lead others? What areas in your life that you don’t need to communicate with others?
Toastmasters Club is more than a club for people who want to be public speakers. It is a place "where leaders are made." Who does not know about Napoleon Hill, Susan Cain, and Tim Allen? They are one of the few who joined Toastmasters and became successful in their own fields.
Is It Worth it?
You may ask, “Brian, is there a guarantee that I will improve when I join the Club?”
The first answer is Yes. If you provide yourself the permission to grow better. Look, I don’t know what stage you are in your life right now. Or the reason why you need to improve your leadership and communication skills. The fact that you consider it, I want to congratulate you. You have chosen the right path.
The second answer is No. If you think change will happen overnight. I believe in taking small steps at a time is a slow but surest way to success. Believe in the Power of Compound Effect. It will take time but the rewards are significant.
Call to Action
Now that you've learned about the three reasons for not joining the Toastmasters Club, it's time for you to decide.
Stay where you are now and be happy being stagnant.
Or challenge yourself and be a better version of yourself.
The choice is yours!