How To Read A Book in Less Than 30 Minutes
No, this has nothing to do with Speed Reading.
Of course, this is an exaggeration! How fast you finished reading a book depends on:
- How wide your knowledge about a particular topic
- What specific goal you are trying to reach
- What specific problem you are trying to solve
- The length of the book
What will I teach you is how to get the main ideas in a book in a shorter period of time.
But here are two caveats
Caveat №1: This works only for Non-Fiction Books. Okay? So for those Fiction Book readers, stay calm.
Caveat №2: You don’t have to follow all advice. You may try all the advice and choose what works for you.
So let’s begin with these five tips
Tip №1: Start by browsing the Table of Contents. Check what specific topic you are looking for. Go to that chapter and read it.
Tip №2: Two parts of the books that you shouldn’t miss reading: Introduction and Chapter 1. Authors usually write the main ideas in the first two chapters of the book.
Tip №3: Browse for SUBHEADINGS, bold and italic phrases, and sentences. Usually, these highlights the main points of the chapters.
Tip №4: Some books have Chapter summaries. You can opt to read this to grab the most important ideas of the book.
Tip №5: Read or listen to book summaries. You can try installing Blinklista app on your phone. Read book summary blogs like. Or watch Youtube channels like Productivity Game and Book Video Club (By the way, I love this site, go ahead and check this out.)
Two things may happen to you when you follow this advice.
First Either you get to hook up on the book and start reading the whole book instead.
And second, you’re satisfied with it. You get what you want. And that’s fine.
My Take On This
To be honest, seldom I follow this advice myself. I don’t just read books. I study books. I use books.
Okay fine, I do these tips when I am not in the mood reading the whole book. Or when I need to review on a specific topic and reading the whole book is not necessary.
But when you are the type of person who wants to try reading books, then this might be a good start. You don’t have to feel guilty.
For those avid book readers who are reading this, you may say, “This is not reading. This is browsing.” I get it. And I don’t care.
Again, you have your reason why you want to read a book. If these tips serve your purpose, well, congratulations!
Hope this advice helps.