How Do You Stop Worrying About Your Future

Can’t sleep. Can’t relax.

Brian Dela Cruz
2 min readNov 22, 2020

First, I want you to know, that you are not alone. Almost all people I know experience anxiety about their future. That includes me. I am struggling with these problems for years. “Will I ever get a job that will pay my bill and debt? Will I ever fulfill my dreams for my family? Will I have ever time to fulfill my dreams? What if it’s too late?”

Have you noticed the similarities in the questions? We are always worried about what will happen.

When you think deeper about it, no one knows what will happen in the future. No matter how many plans you’ve created, things may or may not go our way. There are things beyond our control. But we act as if we could.

The first step to getting out of the rut is to accept that there are things we cannot control. When I realized this, I started to view things from a lighter perspective. The heavy boulder fell off my shoulder.

At first, this idea is hard to grasp. “Does it mean we have to forget about our goals” The answer is: partly yes, partly no. Let me explain this further.

It doesn’t mean that dreams and goals aren’t important. They do matter. Humans are goal-seeking creatures. If we don’t aim at something, we won’t know where we are going. Where there is no vision, the people perish. But, to reach our goals, we have to change how we do things. Forget about the things we don’t have control over. Instead, we have to focus on things we have control over — our actions.

For example, to get the job you wanted, instead of waiting for the dream job to appear in front of you, ask yourself,

“How can I make myself valuable that companies will compete to have me in their team?”

While waiting for a call, you can upgrade your skill. Attend seminars and read books related to your profession. Do volunteer works or become an intern, even without pay, to have real-life experience. So by the time you receive a call for an interview, you are more confident to hit the bull’s eye.

Sure, it does not guarantee you will get the job or anything you wanted. The future is beyond our control. But taking necessary steps increases your chance compared to those people who are just waiting for things to fall on their lap.

Final word. When things go wrong, remember this:

It’s better to have a bad day working on your goals, than having a good day, wondering when it will come true.

You got it, buddy!

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash



Brian Dela Cruz
Brian Dela Cruz

Written by Brian Dela Cruz

I help online coaches turn their course and eBook into an irresistible product your dream client cannot refuse.

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