Don’t Worry, You Got It!
You want to be a writer? Then write. You want to be a singer? Then sing. You want to be a business? Then build a business. You want to be a leader? Then lead. They say that you become what you think you are. But that is not enough. You become what you do. Austin Kleon says, “Lots of people wants to be the noun without doing the verb. ” So…
Stop the procrastination. Stop thinking too much. Stop making everything good before you start. Don’t wait till your ready because no one is 100% ready. Future is uncertain. Time passes by. Start acting. Don’t wait until your plan is perfect because…
Perfection is the enemy of progress. Two crappy pages a day is better than 1 perfect book you never started. You can always start over again. You can revise and revisit. You are the master of your own creation. You can breakdown your goals and…
Start small. Everyone has to start somewhere. A tree bears fruit only when a seed is planted. So you are. But just like seeds, it takes time before you grow and bear fruit. You need the sun. The nourishment of the soil. You have to endure the storm. Sometimes you will lose branch even you don’t like it. So You must learn to…
Accept change. Enduring the boring process of continual change. It’s needed. Growth can be painful but can be fulfilling as well. And just like a chicken needs to break its own shell in order to grow, so you are. Break out of your comfort zone. Growth is where you become uncomfortable. So stay strong and…
Be patient. Starting is an act of courage. Being consistent is a different story. The difference between a successful man and an unsuccessful man is not how much big you are in a headstart. It is how much you are willing to do the right things over and over again. Success is a marathon, not a sprint. The trophy is waiting for you at the finished so…
Be grateful. You are given a chance to fulfill your dreams. You are given a chance to get up and start over again. You have so much potential. Be the gift to everyone. Be an inspiration. Pass the positivity. But most important of all, pass the lessons you have learned along your journey. Celebrate with people who help you reach your goal. Thank them.
Be a starter. Be a finisher. Be the driver of your own life. God has given us everything we need. The resources are already available. It’s our job to find them, build them and share them. Remember, you are capable of becoming want you to want. Don’t wait. Start here, right now. Finish strong. Dont worry, you got it!
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